My Sci-Fi

Thoughts on movies, gadgets and cool tech

Yes, I’m being passive aggressive, deal with it…

This semester has been going pretty well.  I’m taking a fairly heavy load of classes, Trig, Anthro, Ethics, Bio and my one relaxing class Silver Standard.  I’m behind in my Ethics and Anthro reading, but they are great classes and I’m learning a lot.  Bio 1610 is going quite well, I got an 87% on my first test, and 100 on this past quiz.  Ethics is going to be rough, because I have a LOT of reading and homework assignments to catch up on.

Home life is great!  Emily is due in 6 weeks, and both of us are excited for our little girl to come.  With that we are looking forward to some baby showers to help us get everything we need for our little angel.  We’re so lucky to have family and friends who are willing to take the time and effort to put those together.  Lately Emily and my mom have been working together to get my massage business going so we can have an inflow, its just been hard with 12 hours everyday needing to be devoted to school.  Unfortunately those 12 hours aren’t attained due to other things going on, or my own personal need to relax.

All-in-all, life is good.  I love hanging out with friends and it’s great living so close to many of my 198th ward pals.  Movie nights have been going great, it allows me to see a few of my more elusive friends (Mr. Peterson and Mr. Atwood) and has even provided Emily with a “Charmed” friend.  I do wish Emily and I got out more, but it seems increasingly difficult as the baby comes, and I know will get exponentially so after delivery.

Something that seems to constantly come up though, is the fact certain people are completely unaware of their affect on others.  Emily and I have been learning in our marriage that when you interact with another person, and that person perhaps has some news that causes you to feel negative emotions, the best thing to do is stop thinking of yourself, let go of the pride you’re holding onto, and try to understand how the other person is affected by whatever the discussion might be about.  Or try to truly comprehend what they’re saying to you, and why they’re saying it.  People tend to focus on the negative side of things too much.  Why?  What is the point?  President Boyd K. Packer addressed this issue when he said , “Preoccupation with unworthy behavior can lead to unworthy behavior.”  Replace ‘unworthy behavior’ with ‘negative thinking’ and my point is proven.  If you notice flaws/mistakes/shortcomings in others’ (past, present or future) and do not immediately focus on their strengths, but instead point out these foibles, you are simply aiding in their continued (return to, or turn to) negative thought or behavior.  In fact, with your own preoccupation with negativity, you are not just hindering their growth, but aiding in your own decent into darkness.

Some people may allow themselves to be around these kind of people, others might be obligated due to family ties.  Fortunately for me, I do not allow myself to do that, nor do I feel any obligation is strong enough for me to put up with that kind of behavior.  And now that I am a husband and soon to be father, I see no reason for my wife or family to be subjected to such a demeaning and negative influence.  If you happen to know, or be one of these people, please pass along the principles of happiness by choosing to look at the positive, and ignore the negative.  Because I promise you, you wont like the consequences.

October 2, 2009 - Posted by | Misc

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